About us: Kingsley Engineering Service Corporation is specialized in sustainable environmental solutions & services focusing on wastewater and water treatment Process Design & technology, EPC contract, maintenance, Training, etc., particularly within the water-intensive textile dyeing and finishing industry. We are also experienced in conducting thorough assessments of Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) in various facilities. It’s expertise lies in evaluating the adequacy of ETP designs, operational efficiency, and functionality, with a focus on reducing water consumption and meeting stringent environmental parameters. Kingsley also excels for the ETP process design and retrofitting the WWTPs of a number factories all over Bangladesh or transforming them into Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) or partial recycling systems.
Substantial experience and expertise on the design process of ETP & WWTP helps Kingsley to identify & rectify any challenging issues, be it related to design or operation, and ensuring the energy and chemical costs optimization. Moreover, Kingsley helps factories grade their WWTP performance, providing recommendations for short, medium, and long-term improvements. Its’ efforts empower factories to better manage their water resources, meet the expectations of international buyers, and ultimately reduce operational costs while supporting the global water conservation agenda.
Core Values & Culture: Caring earth with technological innovations & simultaneously providing solutions by adding value to stakeholders.
Expertise and Services
Areas of Specialization: Environmental Engineering Service
Comprehensive Services List: ETP ( Effluent Treatment Plant)
CETP (Common/Central ETP)
STP (Sewage Treatment Plant)
WTP (Water Treatment Plant)
Partial Recovery
Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)
Rain Water Harvesting System (RWHS)